Friday, December 21, 2007

Check the movie reviews!

Yep, it's even better the 2nd and 3rd time! LOLOLOLOL
Thanks to Andrea's genius idea, the Movie and Restaurant reviews are now in the links so you don't have to search for them in old posts! Thanks Andrea!!! You're a Genius! :-D


Andrea said...

So...I love reading your reviews of the movies and restaurants, but always have to scroll down to find them in your last posts. And once January comes, they'll be harder to find. I'm sure you can figure this out, but you should somehow put a link to them on the side. I'd try it, but it's 9:38 and way past my bedtime. Maybe tomorrow.

Ryan Hadlock said...

Good idea, I was trying to think of how to do it. I'll try the link idea, that should work...

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog