Saturday, August 30, 2008
Fish Fry at P&A's
Friday, August 29, 2008
Griffin goes to School!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Griff Soccer update 8/26/2008
In the second half things really heated up. Griff went off for 4 goals and should have had 2 more but one scooted across the goal mouth and one went off the woodwork (or PVC pipe as the case might be). One of the girls on Griff's team had a terrific cracker of a shot on goal (about the first one to come off the ground that I can remember) but it was right at the goalkeeper and he was up to the task - meaning he let it crack off his chest and it bounced away from the goal, I'm impressed he didn't go down, it was a good shot. Then the smallest girl on the field - I mean she is HALF Griffin's size took the ball all the way from half-field and made a terrific goal - the first one by a girl on Griff's team and the place went Crazy!!!! It was pretty funny, but it was a really good goal - nothing flukey about it all! Then, the defense broke down and the other team did manage one goal, but it was a good break away and score, so nothing to be ashamed about there.
So, after 4 matches, Griff is averaging 2.5 goals per game - not bad! Now if we can get them to spread out and pass the ball, we'll be in business! I mean the level of magnet ball this game was so dang funny. I'm not kidding when I say they got stuck in one spot for no less than a full minute and a half not going anywhere, everyone was just cracking up. Good times!
Draper Fire
Monday, August 25, 2008
East coast trip
Yep, you can even go to Fenway High School :-D
This bar is in the stadium and has a huge open section in Left field so you can sit and watch the game at field level, pretty cool!
The sports bar attached to the stadium where I ate dinner, SUPER GOOD clam chowder!
Where I had lunch, I went with the pizza and was disappointed, guess that's why you've never heard of Boston-style pizza.
The latest World Series banners for you new "fans" ;-)
The field from atop the Green Monster, These are such cool seats!
View of Boston from Fenway
Me and the Green Monster (sounds like a Disney movie title or something doesn't it???)
Me outside Fenway, photo taken by a little chinese guy who I tried to help take pics of his son and him but his camera was toast! They're going to get home and not have a single clear picture. I felt bad and even tried to let them use my lens, but it wasn't compatible with the camera body he had. Oh well...
Griff 8/23 Soccer update
I will vent just a little bit about this game though, Griff's coaches don't hold practices I guess and it really shows. I realize these kids are 5 and this is definitely not life or death, but the kids need to learn SOMETHING about the game! The kids on Griff's team will have a break away toward the goal and they all STOP at the white line that defines the penalty box (the big box in front of the goal for you Soccer newbies). So they had many opportunities to score but would stop short and just let the goalkeeper scoop up the ball every time. The coach needs to let the kids know they don't have to stop at the line, they can run the ball right into the net if they have the chance! Anyway...
Here are some pics from Griff's last game that I hadn't posted yet (these blow up big if you click them):
Griff in his Uniform, with new cleats and shinpads (and he needs them! :-D )
Griff as Goalie - not his best position but he did stop a shot!
Griff giving the thumbs up after a goal.
Griff after the game with snacks in hand - gotta love the snacks at a soccer game!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Evening out in the neighborhood
Here are a few pics:

Grandpa H, Baby Q, Grandma H, Jax, Sean, Stacy, neighbor girl :-D

Griff with friend playing "cops"

Kaja mid-picky-pick


Emma (close) Griff (across the street) and Emma's Bro and Sis (across the street)
The weather was so nice we all sat out there for a few hours and had a nice evening. By the way, Happy Anniversary Paul and Andrea!!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Griff's game 8/19
His team is actually pretty good - there are 2 other boys and 1 little girl that are pretty good also. Another boy, Luke, scored the 5th goal for a 5-0 blowout. When the coach put them on the field at the same time as Griff it was like ManU pounding a hapless MLS team :-D The other team tried to bring in a Mexican ringer, but he was no match for the swarming defense of Griff's team (there is a really big girl on the team who just pushes everyone down, including her own teammates! It was pretty funny!)
Anyway, here is some video, I have some pictures but they're on my camera so I need to move them over.
Monday, August 18, 2008
At the Bee's Game!
Griff and I had a very active weekend! We were at the pool every day, went to the movies (Star Wars: The Clone Wars - not good, I may not even create a review for it), went to Gateway to do some school clothes shopping - he got some cool stuff, went to the Bees game, tried to clean the house though we didn't get far, watched a lot of Olympics, went to G-Ma and G-Pa H's for dinner and played with the cousins (PHEW! - no wonder he was falling asleep in the back seat of the car a lot this weekend!)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Griff Soccer update
His next game is Tuesday 8/19 at 6pm, I will post the location here ASAP for those that want to go!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Let the games begin!

That's right! It's FOOTBALL season again! FINALLY! Nothing worse than the part of the summer when there are no good sports. So, Utes football is coming! I'm a little disappointed in the games we get here at home (Weber State is the only non-conference game??? WEAK!) EDIT: They play Oregon State at home, Not sure how I missed that. There is a game on my Birthday, so that'll be fun.
Also, the BYU game is at home this year, that's be super fun! Anyway, I'm excited, can't wait to go! My seats aren't that great, kinda high up in the stadium, but I didn't pay a lot for them, so it's cool. Any excuse to get in the Alex Smith Jersey and yell really loudly for the UTES!!!
First home game is Sept 6 - a little payback is in store for UNLV, CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE SEASON GOING!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Griff started Soccer today!
The best part was when I was on a junior Jazz team with my friend Curt and he was the smallest guy on the team. I will find that pic and scan it and post it here so his son can see it and not feel bad about being a runt (he's 6-months old hahahahahahaha)
Anyway, back to Griff, he just had a lot of fun playing soccer, which is the most important thing right now, but I will have him scoring goals like Ronaldo by the time he's 10 - I'll also ship him off to the ManU academy at that time when the call comes. MLS? Pfft, it's EPL by the time he's 16!
I'll have plenty of pics and video as the season goes along. :-)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fun with Griff!
Mowing the lawn (I remember when Griff would run as fast as he could away from the mower when Grandpa would start it up, that was so funny!)

Cleaning up after mowing!
Then we headed out for some school clothes shopping!

Batman T and plaid Volcom shorts! This boy will be stylin' in Kindergarten! :-D

"Wanted: Drummer for a rock band" T and camo shorts (we didn't get these shorts, traded them for some other plaid Volcom shorts that matched the shirt better.)
Then we went and got him some killer new gray low-top Chuck Taylors that I failed to take a picture of somehow. Griff is SO excited for school, and so am I!!! I can't wait to see him on his first day! He was telling anyone who would listen for 2 seconds that he was school shopping for his first day in Kindergarten, everyone thought he was hilarious. He's so happy and so outgoing, I love it - everyone likes hanging out with Griff!!!