The Fam (or who's here anyway - Mom, Amy, Dave, Paul, Andrea, Reece, me, Griff) all went to the movies to see Hancock

see this look on Will Smith's face in this pic? That's the look on his face he has the WHOLE movie. It got a BIT old. The flick also stars Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman (Arrested development alumni!!!)
I thought this was going to be a comedy/Action movie. It had a LITTLE of that, but about an hour in, I was wondering where the movie was going and how they were possibly going to end it. It didn't go well. While I'm a fan of all three of the main actors, I'm not sure how they got roped into this one. The story was SO thin, and the plot didn't get developed at all, and it ended really dumb. I think there were a handful of funny parts (most you've seen in the previews) but not enough to save the movie. I'd say wait for the video rental if you MUST see it, otherwise wait til it's on TBS in a year or so. I'd say 2.5 out of 5 and that's only cuz Jason Bateman is pretty funny and Charlize looks really good! Oh don't take kids either! Later on at the fireworks (above) Griff says, "What the HELL is going on???" Yeah, I'm a bad dad. :-D
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