Funny story: I was at the movies (yes I'll update the reviews, I have two to look over actually!) with Arlee and we get out and it is totally raining. I offer to go get the car and drive around so she doesn't have to get all wet. Well, I take off running - BIG mistake! About 3 seconds into my run, I hit a super slick section of cement and next thing I know I'm on the ground sliding on the cement and then POP! I'm back up like I was sliding into second base! I'm hurt (but mostly
embarrassed, and I uttered some things that I'm glad Griffin wasn't around :-D ) but I keep going and get to the car. I sit down, and I swear I've broken my clavicle, but it's not broken, just severely bruised I think. Anyway, I'm soaked down my left side and I check my jeans, and they're fine (though I can feel the scrape on my hip without a doubt) and I don't think to check my shirt (I find out later it's ripped,
dangit!) Then, I drive over to the door and Arlee has this look on her face like she's really concerned but about to laugh, I'm sure you've all seen this look at one time or another in your life. She asks if I'm
OK, and was very genuine but the second I say yes, she starts cracking up - then I'm cracking up too and she said she looked up just as I'm going down but I popped up so fast it looked like a cartoon. Yeah, I can totally imagine that and I'm laughing, but hurt, so it hurts to laugh. This isn't the first time I've eaten it on the cement in front of her, and somehow this time was no less
embarrassing! I wish I had this on video, that would be great!
LOLMaybe I should sue the movie theatre? Naw, they didn't make me run on the wet slippery cement :-D
Well, I get home and check my wounds and I have a nice scrape on my hip caused by the rivet on the jeans and a small scrape on my elbow, and my shoulder really hurts. But I'm alive to tell about it and
chronicalling everything for you, my loyal blog readers ;-)
Here are the pictures - trying to keep it PG so I couldn't get a real good shot of the hip scrape. And there is no visible mark on my shoulder, it's all internal - just imagine me grimacing and dropping Advil like it's going out of style!

Elbow scrape, it's more like a rub kind of like off a trampoline, nothing a little Neosporin can't fix!
Hip scrape - it's the exact width of the rivet on my jeans. But it didn't rip my jeans! :-D
Check the movie reviews if you'd like!
So funny Ryan! I was captivated reading that whole story, your description was perfect I could picture it perfectly1 Glad you are okay. Hillarious!
Oh my gosh Ryan I am totally laughing! That is hilarious... I wish I could have seen it! Oh well next time.... BTW who cares about the movie reviews, lets see some pics of the wounds.
So funny!! I could picture it too. One time Paul and I were racing and running through a parking lot. I go one way around a car, and he goes the other way. All of a sudden, I don't see him anymore. He hit a patch of ice and slid completely under the car. We were going to a BYU game, and I think we both laughed the entire game!
Pics added, enjoy! Glad to see you all enjoying my pain so much! Now I know what I have to do to get comments, maybe next I'll step on Scuba Steve!
Sorry Ryan but I gotta say that elbow scrape looks pretty whimpy. Haha, The hip scrape is not bad though. :)
The elbow scrape is totally whimpy but that and the hip scrape are all I have to show for it other than my ripped shirt. If I have to go get an x-ray, I'll be sure to include that! ;-)
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