Since this is the Memorial day weekend, and I don't have Griffin this year for Memorial Day (there isn't a big enough "rolling eyes" icon for how I feel about this, but...) I took most of the day off on Friday (I meant to take the whole day off, but my job doesn't allow for that, somehow...) and surprised Griff with a trip to Heber to see Thomas the Train.
I thought he would love it but I quickly discovered 2 things: 1) There were no other kids there over 3 unless they were with their younger siblings, and 2) Griff no longer likes Thomas the Train. How do I know, he informed me when we got there, that he's too old for Thomas - LOL. That kind of made me sad because when I was working in Colorado Springs I would bring him home Thomas the Train toys every time and he loved it! Though, to be fair, he was 3 at the time.
On the drive out, it was raining. I wasn't too worried about it since we'd be inside the train for the ride, so we clipped along, talking about the canyon and how it was made, how Deer Creek reservoir was made, why there were herds of cows along the road, if we had passed the turn for where we were going, explaining how gliders work (the airplane kind they have out at the Heber airport), and finally finding a parking spot at the train depot.
We got there just in time for our turn to ride with Thomas. I was looking forward to a nice, long, relaxing train ride. I was quickly disappointed when we went out about 10 minutes and stopped and went back. I mean we BARELY got outside of Heber neighborhoods. I should have known it would be short when the departure times were all 45 min apart. We did see Llamas, but the pics didn't come out well, darnit.

Getting ready to roll

On our way out of the Depot

Griff learned all about irrigation on our trip (this is one curious kid!!!)
This is where we stopped, you can see the Soldier Hollow Golf Course in the distance
So, we took lots of pictures, Griffin went and played and got Thomas tatoos, and played with the Thomas toys (that didn't last long as there were way too many sub-3-year olds crying over who had Thomas, blah, blah, blah), and went and met Sir Topham Hatt.

Griff by a cool, old train
Griff and Thomas

Thomas and Harold tatoos

Trying to play with the trains - too many little kids though :-D
Griff and Sir Topham Hatt

Griff meets Mini-Horse - Rob and Big were not there though
Then when we were done at the Train Depot, we went to one of my favorite places to eat - Granny's in Heber. I haven't been there in years, but boy is it good! Good old fashioned greasy burgers and "English Chips" and some of the best shakes you could ever ask for!
Griff at Granny's waiting for our food!
After a fun day in Heber, we went home for a while and played Wii, and that was the end of our day. The weekend was cut way too short, but we had a really fun day anyhow and Griff was awesome the whole time!
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