“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.”
Griff and I were hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa H and he decided he wanted to water the plants out front.
We also got to be there for Jim and Jill to open their mission call to the NEW ZEALAND, Wellington mission! WOW! That should be pretty cool for them, I know they'll do great. They leave Sept 8.
This is where we stopped, you can see the Soldier Hollow Golf Course in the distance
So, we took lots of pictures, Griffin went and played and got Thomas tatoos, and played with the Thomas toys (that didn't last long as there were way too many sub-3-year olds crying over who had Thomas, blah, blah, blah), and went and met Sir Topham Hatt.
Griff by a cool, old train
Griff and Thomas
Thomas and Harold tatoos
Trying to play with the trains - too many little kids though :-D
Griff and Sir Topham Hatt
Griff meets Mini-Horse - Rob and Big were not there though
Then when we were done at the Train Depot, we went to one of my favorite places to eat - Granny's in Heber. I haven't been there in years, but boy is it good! Good old fashioned greasy burgers and "English Chips" and some of the best shakes you could ever ask for!
Griff at Granny's waiting for our food!
After a fun day in Heber, we went home for a while and played Wii, and that was the end of our day. The weekend was cut way too short, but we had a really fun day anyhow and Griff was awesome the whole time!After moving some furniture to Sean's storage unit, we went down and got haircuts (THANKS for fitting me in Stacy!) and while Stacy was cutting Sean's hair I got to take care of Baby Q! She was pretty good most of the time and then she just wanted her mama. So, as soon as Stacy was done she came and took over and Quincy couldn't have been happier. She is super cute and so small! She's pretty fun to hold...
Then we went to Ernies and had delicious sandwiches, then Sean and I went to Kai's Farewall BBQ for a while, it was such nice weather - it was nice to be outside for a while.
We had a good time, the food was good again. Griff went with the cheesy noodles with the Octo-Dog (though he didn't like that it was cut to look like an octopus, so he didn't eat it.
After we were done we went to Jump On It (I called ahead this time to make sure there were no private parties ruining things for us). We had a great time. They are replacing some of the worn out tramps, so that's good. last time we went I did a back flop on one and actually hit the floor, the trampoline was so loose. So, hopefully that won't happen again. :-)
Here's Griff making a Hoop (he did it in one take!)
Here's Griff making friends and playing "laser ball." I have no idea what laser ball is, but they basically jumped around amongst several balls while screaming like girls - see if you can decide what the object of the game is.
The place was PACKED! I guess the first warm day of the year brings everyone out for some family fun. It took us like 2 hours to play 18 holes of mini golf, and these aren't difficult holes! But he loved it and wanted to play another 18 holes.
Griff is also quite the Wii player, he enjoys Golf and Baseball the most, but is also really good at Bowling! He also creted his own Mii, so it's actually him playing the games :-D
So here are some videos of Griff playing Wii.
Rest assured, I don't let him play too much, he knows if he sits on the couch too long he'll get a fat tummy and he's not into that! He likes having a skinny tummy. :-D I also use this information to talk him out of wanting to buy candy! I hope he never grows out of that! I do hope it doesn't lead to male anorexia, however. ;-)
Hip scrape - it's the exact width of the rivet on my jeans. But it didn't rip my jeans! :-D
Check the movie reviews if you'd like!
Here's the play area, Griff would have stayed here all night
Here is our meal. Griff had the quesadilla, and I had a spicy chicken wrap in a spinach tortilla - really good, lots of veggies and the grilled chicken was tasty!
Next we went bowling at Fat Cats with Grandma and Grandpa H. Pretty fun, even though I had the worst game of my life. Both Griff and I are way better at Wii bowling :-D Grandpa H had a pretty good round, bowled 5 or 6 spares in a row and several strikes.