I'll start with the older viewing first:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine!
Regardless of how bad the X-men movies have been for the most part, I still like them. And this one was actually really good. I learned some things about Wolverine that I didn't know, but frankly - who cares - he's a character in a movie. However, I didn't know that he was already indestructible and had the claws before he got the metal bones! Anyway, you all know I'm not going to ruin the story for anyone but it's actually pretty cool. It's also cool seeing the origin of some of the other mutants. The effects are really cool, the fights are awesome, it's pretty much jam-packed with action. I enjoyed it almost start to finish. There is one scene that is not so enjoyable, if you go and see it, you'll know which one. :-D
This is a solid 4 out of 5 - if you're not a X-men fan, wait for Red-Box, but if you want to see a cool film in the theatre, you can do a lot worse than this one!
Like this one!

Saw Angels and Demons in the theater last night. I've decided, I'm never reading another book that might be made into a movie. I like the movie experience much more than reading books usually, but this book was SO good, I don't think there was any way the movie was going to live up to expectations. I KNEW they would change things up, but they changed too much. It just didn't have the captivating suspense that the book did. I'll admit that part of this is more than likely because I already knew who the antagonist was, and basically what was going to happen, but the movie just didn't develop the characters like the book did and they completely removed one of the main protagonists - the whole battle between science and religion gets very glossed over and it was the driving force of the book. I imagine it's hard to get all the characters in a book developed in the time limit most people are willing to sit through a movie, but I think they could have done better. I think Ron Howard phoned this one in. SO, I'll give this a 3, and that might be kind. HOWEVER, it gets the 3 because I THINK if you'd never read the book you'll like this movie. But I can't gauge my reaction on what others might think. So, if you've never read the book and you go see this, be sure to let me know what you think. Since I fully believe that most of you will see this on Red Box, I'm fully prepared to wait for responses. :-)
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