Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Griff at the Draper Temple

Griff and I went out to shoot some new pics of the boy in his church clothes, cuz he looks so darn sharp! Grandma H, I thought you'd like these! Here you go... (click to make bigger!)

Not sure what this pose is, but he did it on his own :-D


Rylee said...

OH MY GOSH, he is huge! He looks very sharp in his church clothes though!

Jim Hadlock said...
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Jim Hadlock said...

WOW, what a handsome boy!! I love the temple in the background. I can hardly wait to put my arms around him and give him a big hug! I just hope he has given up jumping into people's arms, he would for sure bowl me over. Tell him I love him!!
Thank you for taking these pictures and sending them to us. I love you, Mom

Abby said...

Daddy, that pose is called "I am trying not to fall down this hill."

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog