Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Tattoo!

Yeah, I got bored and finally found a place that could do this tattoo right (Anchor Ink tattoo in SLC - thanks guys!!! )

It really hurt, it took 4 hours to complete. I'll get the old school Jazz logo when this one is healed up.

Here are the pics:

When it's healed up, I'm adding "GLORY GLORY" above it. It was just hurting too much to continue after 4 hours - and actually there is a little touch up to do on this too.

I'm pretty happy with it, now let's hope they win the quintuple!!! Come on you Devils!!!


reece said...

That is so fake you can see where there are nicks because the decal didn't adhere right. And I'm pretty sure that if there was "healing" to be done there would be some kind of injury there are no visible erythematous, edemetous, lesions. So suck it.

Ryan Hadlock said...

IT's not a stick on! LOL It's super red today! Scabbing over too.

reece said...

the lies

Ryan Hadlock said...

It's a photoshop smart guy. That is actually a calf tattoo, just not on my leg :-D

And yes, Reece and Rylee (and Payce for that matter) were too smart for their own good and knew it was just an April Fool's joke.

The tattoo is actually on my shoulder ;-)

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog