I gave him a couple of pointers, as I've seen the other goalies kind of sit there and watch the ball go by. So I told him the SECOND that ball crosses into the goal box POUNCE on it like it's yours and somebody is trying to steal it! Well, he did just that. Check out the video it was pretty funny but also he did REALLY well.
The other team was ALL boys except for one girl and that was too many boys for Griff to defend against when he wasn't goalie and this poor kid tried to defend them all, he ran and ran and ran, I've never seen him SO sweaty. I was really proud of him for hustling so much. Unfortunately, Griff didn't play goalie the whole match and his team got blown out - 7-0 and Griff missed like 4 goals, it just wasn't his night or his team's, but they all have a lot of fun! BTW, I was really impressed with the other team's coach, he was totally cool about things but he has obviously had practices and his team knew what to do to win. Yet, they all still had fun! Imagine that! Anyway, I think as long as there are good snacks afterwards, the kids don't really care who won or lost, so that's good :-D
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