Monday, September 29, 2008
Utes vs Wildcats
The seats I got are pretty good - 1st row on the east side, looking at the south end zone. It makes it a bit hard to see the North end zone action, but anything south of midfield is pretty awesome. The crowd around us isn't super animated, but it was just Weber State. Some guys in our area had more fun making fun of the WSU cheerleaders that were right in front of us (super annoying after a while) because the game was in hand before halftime.
So, hopefully the rest of the games will have the same outcome! 5-0 is a nice start for the Utes, they may have a test this week with OSU, who just beat #1 USC again!
I got some video of a touchdown pass, though the quality doesn't appear too good. Still gives you an idea of where the seats are. It was pretty dang fun, and I'm excited to go to the rest of the games!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Nickelcade again!
Here's some video:
Then we hit CPK and Sports Authority before enjoying a fresh peach shake at Taco Amigo!!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Nickelcade and Pizza!
Oh, yeah - BURGER TIME!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Park City
Griff and I went to Park City to ride the Alpine Slide. When I looked it up online to see the schedule and cost, I noticed something I'd never seen before - the Alpine COASTER! Oh, we had to do both rides. I probably would have done the zipline too, but in all honesty it was a little pricey for one ride down each thing. SO, we stuck with the slide and the coaster and we were not disappointed! Plus as you can see, the weather was PERFECT! There is some video of each, and you'll hear me say I like that the only thing they tell you on the coaster is the car is attached to the rails and can't come off so there's no need to use the brake! LOL, OK - GAME ON - we went FAST!!!!!!!! Griff was a LITTLE tentative at first, but then he was totally into it and he loved it! I did too, it was pretty dang fun.

Getting set for the coaster!

Heading up the mountain! (couldn't get Griff in very well :-) )
Then we headed over to the slide. Griff was scared of this for some reason, but we saw a lot of people going down while we were going up Payday (the ski lift) and he got more and more excited. By the time we got to the top he was ready to RUN over to the slide to go down. And we had a blast - we went really fast again, though this ride doesn't move like the coaster (though you could potentially flip the cart out of the slide so it's exciting in its own right.
Heading up the ski lift
Heading down the slide!!!
After we did the coaster and slide we went and got some delicious dinner at the little restaurant right there at the foot of the lifts. It's amazing to me how good ski resort food can be sometimes, or maybe I was just REALLY hungry, but it was a tasty meal. Then we went and played in the maze for a while, but once Griff discovered you could short-cut the whole thing, he just kept doing that instead of exploring, it was pretty funny.
Griff is such a good boy and I can't believe how big he's getting and it sure is fun to go do stuff like this with him! I really like being his dad. :-)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Utah State Fair, or "how to eat fried foods"
When we got there, we went into the displays in the first building we came upon. It was all weird sculpture, pottery, ceramics and carving. Seriously, it looked like you could pretty much submit ANYTHING to get a ribbon. There was also a huge display of scrap-book pages. I thought it was kind of weird you could get ribbons for scrap-book pages, but after seeing some of the aforementioned "sculptures" I wasn't surprised by anything anymore. It did appear that maybe 3 ladies and their kids had submitted scrap-book pages and won all the ribbons (and they seem to give away a LOT of ribbons!)
Then there was the butter sculpture:

Can you imagine how gross your hands would feel after doing this? Or would they be super soft like on Seinfeld? Anyway, seems like a weird excuse to play in butter.
We went and checked out a couple of other displays, it was kind of like a live infomercial for everything you never needed, it was kind of weird (have I stated that enough yet?) I don't know if we just missed it but there was no prize-winning pig, no Utah's biggest Watermelon, nothing! But you could buy a "Sham-WOW!!!" if you wanted to!
We did the big yellow slide that was kind of fun, and then I did the mechanical bull. Watch me wipe out in this video! My shoulder and neck are just now feeling good again. It is amazingly fun, yet really hard once he starts getting serious with the "bucking" part! It was so fun.
Then we got out to look for food. We had the DELICIOUS corn on the cob with a little butter and pepper, I also threw a little hot sauce on there, SO GOOD!!! WE really should have stopped with that, but we kept going. We had a corn dog and fries, a Navajo taco and a funnel cake. The funnel cake was the BIG mistake...BIG mistake. They taste good for a second then immediately go to work on your gastrointestinal track. HELLO pepto! Sheesh!
Back to the deep fried PB&J, we were in line to get one and we heard a kind of WT lady say they weren't good. If SHE didn't think they were good, there was no way I was going to waste $5 on one (Yeah, EVERYTHING at the fair is super pricey!) I bet she likes SPAM! ;-)
After that, we did the ferris wheel, but there were always doubts as to the safety of rides that are packed up and hauled around in semi's, so we didn't do anymore than that.
Still, it was pretty fun. Don't know that I'd go twice in one year, but there are many other fried foods to try! :-D
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Soccer night with Griff!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Trip to Tempe!
Sun Devil Stadium
Amongst the throngs of fans!
Looking down over the field at kickoff.This game was very good too, the Devils won 41-17.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Griff's soccer match 9/2
So, I told Griff to work on his defense this match and he was really good for the most part. Sometimes the kids just forget what they're doing. That's totally fine, and for the most part he did a great job getting back and taking the ball back from the other team. He is so much bigger than most of the other kids he kind of mows them over sometimes, but he's not aggressive about knocking them over or anything, just about getting the ball back, so that's good.
I still love that he is out there just having fun and smiling and laughing most of the time, which is pretty funny in and of itself.
His next match is Saturday at 11:00 on the East Field at Highland Town Center Park - 5490 W 10700 N in Highland. I can't make this game, I'll be out of town, so the more people that can make it out to cheer for him, the happier he'll be!!!
Discovery Gateway

Griff playing in the water

Watching his "helicopter" fly above the wind tube (obviously he liked this one!)

Playing on the real helicopter they have on the roof.

Stamping pictures

Playing with the air tubes that send the plastic balls all over the place in this area.

Riding trigger.

Shopping for veggies.

Eating a chocolate-dipped cone at Dairy Queen, he was really into it, as you can see! LOL
Jim & Jill's farewell