Friday, April 4, 2008

Two new favorite Reality Shows!

I've discovered my new favorite reality show - it is - Rock the Cradle! This is the show on MTV where the kids of famous musicians compete to see who has the best music DNA.

The premiere was last night and some of the kids were REALLY good. Eddie Money's daughter Jesse was good, Joe Walsh's daughter Lucy was by far the best I think, and Dee Snyder's kid Jesse Blaze was a real rocker - better than his dad (though Dee really only had one mega-hit, and painted himself up like a blind prostitute, so not too hard I guess)

On the other end, Hammer's Daughter was horrible, Olivia-Newton John's daughter was painful to listen to, I felt really bad for her, Bobby Brown's son wasn't good, and Tom Johnston's (Doobie brothers) daughter was bad.

In the middle, Kenny's son Crosby Loggins was just OK for me dawg, and Al B-Sure's son Lil was average. I think that's everyone. I really think the competition is between Ms Money and Ms Walsh, unless one of the others really comes through with something different than they showed last night.

I will have this one on DVR if you want to check it out.

The other favorite isn't new, but I've only just discovered it in the last 2 months or so. That is Rob and Big. This one kills me, these two guys are so funny and the situations they come up with are hilarious. The way they talk to each other is so funny. Drama, Meaty, and Mini Horse are high quality supporting cast and really hold their own in the show. Definitely worth the half hour on Tueday nights (or just DVR it ;-) )

The Reality show I can NOT get into (sorry ladies) is The Hills. It is just too unwatchable for me. The only funny thing I saw in the episode I did watch part of was Spencer getting the ICE-COLD shoulder from Heidi when he showed up unexpectedly at her parents' house in CO. THAT was uncomfortable and funny and kinda pathetic all at the same time. You do gotta hate Spencer. LOL


Rylee said...

Nash is the name of Markee and Eric's baby who is on the way. :) and how can you not LOVE the hills its the best, haha. Although, I haven't watched one of the new episodes, I keep forgetting. :(

Andrea said...

Ha Ha! You wrote about Hills!

stacy h. said...

ooo i really want to see 21! want to babysit? ha ha jk, just ditching her already at 10 days old!

stacy h. said...

we had friends over tonight to watch the hills. we love it and are not the least bit ashamed.

Ryan Hadlock said...

Stace, I'll babysit for sure! Just let me know!!!

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog