First off, I can't believe Griff is 5. He's wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese so bad for so long, and I finally relented. I wasn't looking forward to it, the place is SO packed, but we went to Chuck E. Cheese and it was actually really fun! I think all the kids and adults had a good time. Auntie Stacy and Unkie Sean, Auntie Andrea and Unkie Paul with Kaja and Jaxon, Auntie Rylee and Unkie Reece with Ryder, and Auntie Gwen and Unkie Payce. We missed Auntie Amy and Unkie Dave, but they called Griff to wish him a Happy B-Day earlier in the day. Grandma and Grandpa H were there and Auntie Tani and Unkie Kirby with Toree and Kale. We were glad everyone could make it!!!! Without any further ado, here are the pics:
Paul, Sean, Jaxon, Jim, Ryder
Dad and Griff
Stacy and Jaxon
Kaja on a ride!
Grandma H and Aunt Tani
Rylee and Ryder (Red Sox Ryder???)
Much of the Gang, Sean finally with his eyes open!
Thanks Toree and Kale!
Thanks Payce and Gwen!
Thanks Sean and Stacy!
Thanks Paul, Andrea, Kaja, and Jaxon
Thanks Rylee, Reece and Ryder!
Thanks Dad!
Thanks G-ma and G-pa H!

Thanks Dave and Amy!!!
Well there are about 100 more pics, but you get the idea. And I just realized I didn't even get a pic of the giant rat himself! That was a choke. :-D
Happy B-Day Griff!!!!
Thanks it was a fun time. Ryder loved it. I hope Griff had a happy birthday.
nice job on the pictures! i got to re-live the entire evening! :) i was a bit nervous about chuck e cheese as well, but it was fun! i'm glad the shirt fits, i thought it might be too big. but i guess he is 5 now!
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