Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, you know I can't go a Thursday without posting some Griff content. Last night we went to Trafalga after hanging out with G'ma and G'pa H for a while. You've all seen him golf, now watch him play SkeeBall. You'll see he does this funny little jump thing when he rolls the ball, it's comical. I think he gets a 5000 at the end here...

By the way, he got signed up for Soccer in the fall, I am SOOOOOO Excited! We took a few minutes and I started to teach him the triangle so he doesn't play magnet ball. I can NOT wait! This blog will be all Griff all the time when he's on a soccer team :-D


Rylee said...

I like how everytime he jumps he has to re-adjust his sweatshirt. Funny kid.

Rylee said...

You've obviously never seen Reece dance, the guy can kidding. He only does it in the privacy of his own home. Someday I should secretly record one of our dance parties! haha.

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog