After about 10 min of climbing (above part of South Mountain Golf Course)

I continued up hill on Oak Hollow til it connected to the upper section of the Bonneville Shoreline trail. This section will take you to the hangliding park (the black dots in the sky are paragliders) This was nearly all up hill.

This is the peak after the climb, continuing on goes to the hangliding park. I turned around, I was ready for some downhill! It was well worth it, but I did experience my first wipeout of the summer. I hit a jump and slid out into some lovely smelling sage. Just got a few scratches on my legs, no big deal at all. BUT, you know you're Mtn Biking after that first wipeout, so it's official now!

After the downhill, I climbed back up to the Mike Weir Road trailhead of the Bonneville Shoreline trail. This is where is comes up to the road.

Across the street is where it connects to the section of the trail that I rode in the last post.

At this point I just headed back down to the pool. the downhill was really fun, though there are some very tight hairpins that require some serious concentration (and a foot off the pedal!)
On this trip I listened to my iPod shuffle the whole way, it is such a nice way to block everything out and just ride! Very nice, especially with such good weather.
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