Sean, Paul, Lance and I hit American Fork Canyon for the firt time this year. We went up to the Timpooneke (pronounce Timp-a-noo-kee for some reason???) trailhead, it was SO good! The trail was nicely packed, not much dust at all, and the weather was ideal! We did the 11 mile big loop, which was pretty ambitious for our first time out to AF canyon, but we all knocked it out pretty fast! It was so nice, it's so cool to get out there and test yourself and push yourself and not worry about any of the crap going on in life and just ride for a while. Plus it's always cool to get out with the boys for a while!

Sean, Me, Paul

Sean, Lance, Paul

Yeah, I took a nice spill, I was bombing down some really fun downhill and got a little loose in a turn and ended up goin over the handlebars and landing right on my left hip. My left foot clip is totally loose, so it wouldn't come out in time to catch, me, though I don't think it would have done any good anyway. Luckily that's not my bionic elbow! My hip has a nice raspberry on it and it's a bit gimpy right now, but no major damage done.
I think it's about time for a Moab or St.George trip - Gooseberry here we come!!! B-)
1 comment:
I was a mess last night trying to tired but I couldn't relax (I did work in the yard all afternoon too so that probably didn't help...I should have lounged and sandwiched all afternoon).
Good ride though for sure. I'm up for a trip down south ASAP!
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