I think my first hint to the quality of LegoLand should have been the number of cars in the parking lot. For instance, when we got to Sea World, we had to park like a mile away from the front entrance! When we got to LegoLand, I practically could have fallen out of the car into the park there were so few people there. Amazingly enough, this would prove to be quite an anomoly later on, you'll see...
Here are the pics and video:
We got to wait in line for an HOUR to ride this tiny roller coaster that you have to PEDAL yourself!!! See the mystery? No one in the parking lot but an hour wait for a ride???
I think LegoLand is pretty lame, but Griff loved it! And that's really what the trip was about, so it was all good. It really is geared more to little kids, all the rides are SO tame.
This helicopter basically went up and down really slow - yee-haw!!!
THE ride at LegoLand:They did have some cool things made out of Legos, but you see one Lego Castle, you've seen them all. I did like this:

Full size Volvo sc90 made of Legos!
Griff Getting his Driver's License
And mini San Francisco and Mini Manhattan were pretty cool:
I was unhappy with mini Las Vegas because it was missing Mandalay Bay.

Griff racing the lego car he made; Hanging with Lego Bob the Builder

Lego R2D2

Steeples of the San Diego Temple heading down the 5, I was going too fast to get a better picture :-)

A tasty beverage at the Airport waiting to head home!
We made it home with no issues. We did have to sit next to someone else on the plane back and Griff wasn't happy about that for some reason, I think cuz he was so tired. We were both zombies driving home, I don't even remember the ride! But, all in all it was a great trip, Griff loved every minute of it and talks about going back to the beach all the time. Keeps asking me if I've ever swam in the Ocean and then says he wants to go back to surf. Maybe Uncle Aaron can teach him!
Anyway, that's about it! Hope you enjoy the pics and videos!
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