OK, it's official, I am never going back to Thaifoon. This is the second time I've been where the service was total crap and the food was real average - definitely not worth the price. I mean, really, their Thai food isn't really that good, there are way better places with way better service and prices. I'm dropping Thaifoon to like a 2 star option out of 4 and I think that might be a little kind. Even their chocolate volcano cake was poor, not even as good as the microwave kind you can get at the grocery store!
Seems like every time I go there it's raining, so I was super careful going up the stairs at Gateway so I wouldn't fall on my butt like the last time (you'd think a guy with my coordination skills, wouldn't fall so much! :-D )

Go with anyone new? Hee Hee
Naw, nothing like that. ;-)
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