I realize it's very hard to see through the screen, but the large black dot in the middle of the circle is a Black Widow (not as big as the one at Sean and Stacy's storage unit but still pretty big) and the bright white dot just above it in the pic is an egg sack. I will be making a trip to the spider-killing store, to get the most powerful spider killer of all time. The thought of baby black widows crawling all over the place is making my skin crawl! I know of a few people that couldn't sit in my seat right now, so if you want to overcome your fear of spiders, come on over and sit at my desk for a while. Watching her move around, you'll either get over it or puke, it's very creepy :-D
Update: The spider is impervious to the poison! I emptied half a bottle of spider killer on it, and she's still alive! I think the egg sack is done for because she won't go near it. I'm going to have to go with aerosol hairspray and a lighter to get rid of her! Tough arachnid!!!!
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