I had a few pics on my Nikon that I needed to take off because a friend is borrowing it (yep, I'm that nice of a guy - but he knows full well if he breaks it he buys it, so it's all good.)
These are all chronologically backwards again, but this is just a pic dump post anyway...
With that, let's begin:
The Zoo:

Baby Giraffe, such a weird animal, and it's neck was totally crooked like it needed a serious chiropractic adjustment. Do they have "witch chiropractors"?

I think Griff was tired of pictures by this time. For some reason, he was always 2 cages ahead of us, like he didn't think we'd see everything so he was running to make sure he got it all in. If you're not first you're last! :-D

We all liked the penguins, they were pretty funny. By now we were all melting however, so the standing in the sun was short-lived.

I think the Zebra is back behind there somewhere, but the lighting is jacked up, I need photoshop.

Not sure what's going on here, I think it was at the bear cages? Looks like these two are being monkeys...but that's normal.

The baby elephant is the star of the show, and she was pretty cute.

I think I officially have to announce that Griffin is too big to hold like this anymore. It's like what I would imagine picking up John Stockton would feel like.

After lunch, planning out our group's next move. Paul's MBA class at the U held this event and it was cool, we got lunch and a free pass to the zoo, thanks Paul! Thanks UofU :-D

More planning with Kaja getting interested...

Kaja's soccer match, Jaxon being clingy, maybe he's afraid of the camera? Nah.

Kaja in action on the soccer pitch!

Getting ready to celebrate a goal from her team!

Griff hanging out at Kaja's soccer match.

Griff's team waiting to kick off for the 2nd half kickoff.

Griff in goal, throwing the ball out to his team, well where his team is supposed to be...

Not sure what this pose is, but it's the last match, so go crazy kid!

Cool action shot of the Griffster taking the ball around the opposing team. Judging by where their goalie is standing though, I think he's going the wrong way. :-D
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