There he is! First Grade Griff! (Not sure what's up with the squinty-eyed smile, but I'm sure they didn't take a bunch of shots to choose from.) Amazing how fast this kid has grown, and he is LARGE! he is way taller than his buddies that he plays with when he's with me (and one of them is 8!!!) and must weigh a metric ton by now. I can't wait to get this kid into football and basketball, he's going to be a bruiser (if he can develop a little attitude!) And I'm definitely seeing him as a Tim Howard type goal-keeper, which would be awesome because then I could go watch him play in England :-D
I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of this kid. He has been through things no kid should have to go through, but he is a total trooper and is so nice and so sweet and funny, and so even-keeled (I just re-read that, is he really my son???? Yep, just check the forehead! :-D ) I just love him and I'm so glad he's my son, I definitely wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.
What a cute picture! I need a wallet size, so save me one.
I didn't get any. Just 5x7 for me and one for mom and dad.
He is so cute! You are lucky to have him :)
Aw, thanks!!! :-)
We are so thankful for Griffin in our family. He is a special little boy just like his Dad was.
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