Since I totally forgot to take pics of me and Griff the other day, I thought you'd all be interested in what my commute looked like this morning. The traffic was surprisingly light, but I came over the POTM (Point of the Mountain for you non-Utahns, is the dividing line between Salt Lake County and Utah County. I live in Salt Lake county and work in Utah County.) Click the pics, they get bigger and you can actually see things. :-)
The fog (once again, forgive the RiPhone, and my dirty windshield):

You should be able to see Lehi and the rest of Utah County from here, but the blanket of fog in the valley was pretty thick. Looked really cool. Some of the buildings were poking up out of the fog and it reminded me of San Francisco :-)

Timp in the Fog, looked kinda cool, I don't think you can really tell from this pic...

Timp in the clear with the sun coming up. A little depressing that the sun isn't up at almost 8am, but still pretty...
And for Mom, I did get copies of Griff's first grade pics, SO dang funny. I'll scan it and put it up here for you.
Taking pictures while driving?
Yep, just point and click out the window, don't even have to take my foot off the accelerator! ;-)
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