Let's start with "Yes Man". I had heard that this was "Liar, Liar" all over again. Actually, "Liar, Liar" is probably funnier, but this movie had its moments. I chose the picture above because this was quite possibly one of the funniest scenes I've seen in the movies in a while. Luiz Gusman (left) is threatening to kill himself by jumping off the ledge. Jim Carrey, who has been saying YES to everything, including guitar lessons breaks out the "Jumper" by Third Eye Blind. For those of you who don't know it, the first line is "Wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend." Anyway, as he's singing, Luiz chimes in, the crowd below starts singing and then, of course, Jim pulls Luiz in from the ledge. It was clever and funny, and I like the song - so it was all good. Anyway, the movie has its moments, Zooey Deschanel is the love interest (and yes they follow the Romantic Comedy formula to the letter, you won't be disappointed with this one) and she's really good in it. For those of you who are "Flight of the Conchords" fans Jim's boss is played by Rhys Darby who plays "Murray". The role is very similar and very funny yet kind of sad, just like Murray.
For a Red box, it's worth the $1 and I was entertained for the most part so I'll give it a 3 out of 5.

This one is a bit hard to judge. I was constantly interrupted while trying to watch this one (darn Home Teachers!) and I didn't really get into it. I think that's because it was pretty boring. even when I was paying attention, I just didn't care that much. The characters weren't interesting, the storyline wasn't compelling, really. Samuel L. Jackson hasn't been in a good role since Pulp Fiction (ok maybe I'm exaggerating, but seriously, does the guy EVER say no to a role???? Maybe he has ridiculous bills and just HAS to work, who knows...) The point of all that is, he is annoying as "The Octopus" actually only slightly less annoying than the main character, "The Spirit". I'm usually pretty easy to entertain, but this movie just did nothing for me. Since it was only a buck at Red Box, I'll give it a 2 and I think that's being kind. I mean it wasn't crude or ultra-violent or anything that might preclude someone from seeing it, but it was just boring. rent it as a last resort on a day when you really have nothing else to do.