Went to Usana for the Incubus concert!
I will let it be known that I tried to sell these tickets. When that became a non-option, I decided I better go and not let these great tix go to waste. And I'll let it be known right now, this may have been THE best concert I've ever been to!
All day long I was worried that they would play new stuff because they have a new album coming out. 311 just did this to us and played a lot of new stuff instead of the classics. It was still really good, but just a little disappointing (plus the new stuff is all mellow, we like the loud stuff!) Anyway, my fears were allayed immediately when they shot out of the gate with 3 straight songs from Make Yourself and Morning View and 5 out of 6! The other song was Megalomaniac, which they flat out ROCKED! I was immediately in a great mood and bouncing along with the other crazies in "The Pit" (these are by far the most fun tickets for a Rock concert at Usana - anything else is just weak by comparison.)
Then, instead of taking a break where the drummer or bass player has a super long solo, they hit a couple of acoustic songs that were truly amazing. On one song the drummer sat on a wooden box and beat on it like a bongo, it was So cool as it went along with the song, reminded me of the little kids in Chicago that would sit on the side of the street playing the 10 gallon paint buckets. I think it's SUPER rare that a rock singer can actually SING, and this guy has amazing range and rocks when needed and lays down a killer ballad when it's called for. The way they could change speeds, seemingly effortlessly, from one style to the next was SO dang cool. And this guy knocks out the songs start to finish and NEVER waivers, never hits a bad note, his voice never gives out, never cracks. It is really incredible. The guy must not talk to anyone between shows to save his voice. He must sign, or draw on a big white board to communicate. That and he drinks honey and lemon tea all day long, or something...
Anyway, after the acoustic songs, they hit the old school S.C.I.E.N.C.E album for 3 straight songs, and the place got CRAZY! I think I may have a cracked rib, and I definitely have a headache, but it was SO much fun. I've discovered I have really good balance and I'm pretty tough. When I got out of the pit alive, and wiped the sweat from my 5-head, I continued to enjoy song after song. No kidding, they played every song I could have hoped for except maybe 1 or 2, but with how many of my favorites they did play, I was super happy. I mean they played my favorite Incubus song 2nd, so I was stoked all night long. AND on one song they incorporated the cow bell, and on another the singer whistled a whole section. Everyone knows there isn't enough cowbell in rock, but do you realize how little whistling there is? It is a nice addition! :-D
Bottom line is, this concert did not disappoint even a little bit: hard rockers, love songs, acoustic, even a cover of Prince's "Let's get crazy" and everything in between! 5 out of 5 stars, I'd even give it a 6 if the scale went that high!