This seems to be becoming an annual trip to South Fork for a picnic of Ernie's sandwiches (YUM!!!!!) and frisbee with Paul and Andrea's family. The weather was SO perfect, it was amazing! Here are the pics:

Kaja started us of on pictures be saying we should all lay down and smile for a picture, so she did.

Look at that backdrop! Just an amazing day to play some frisbee!

Kaja jogging back to the picnic site for a drink after playing hard for a while!

Big Griff taking a break from throwing rocks in the river with Jaxon.

Big Jax giving us his surprised face!

This pic took 10 tries, no joke and the last 3 tries Griff was rolling his eyes at me, thus the laughter...
Great pictures Ry, we love them. Dad and Mom
Cute! I wish I could have been there.
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