Saturday, February 14, 2009

Paul Blart - Mall Cop

Well, Payce, Gwen and I went to see "Paul Blart - Mall Cop." I'd been told it was really dumb, but I'm a fan of Kevin James and Payce wanted to see it and Gwen...well Gwen came along because Payce was there but she didn't want to see this show :-D

The movie was...too long. I think the concept is pretty funny, Kevin James was funny for about 30 minutes worth of film - not 90. It would have been a funny SNL skit or something. So, that's about all I'm going to say about this flick. I hadn't done a movie review in a while, so I threw this together real quick. I'd give it a 2 out of 5 and recommend using "DVDONME" to get this rental for free from Red Box (yep the code works once per credit or debit card at Red Box.) I'm not sure $1.08 is even worth it...

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