Here are some pics from Christmas Morning - mostly for Jim and Jill in New Zealand, but feel free to enjoy them even if you're not in New Zealand and Merry Christmas to all of you!!!
The hat was Griffin's Stocking with BK gift cards, lemonheads candy, Beef Jerky (for dad :-D ) and Bakugan.
The loot before the carnage
Nerf Tag - so the boy will actually run around a little! :-)
Nintendo DSi and holder but Santa was a little color blind and got a pink holder - it's being traded in ASAP
Books from Grandma and Grandpa H
Cool History book from Dad
DSi games from Grandma and Grandpa H
Mario Kart with steerin wheels from Dad
All the loot
Immediately playing with the DSi - it takes pictures too, so he was loving that.
Everyone going through new presents
Auntie Amy with the kidlets
Gramps too.
Miss Q
Griff and the DSi
Mom: Thank you Ryan for posting the Christmas pictures so quickly. Funny to see only Griffin on our family room floor opening presents. That hasn't happened very often. It was fun talking to you on Christmas Eve. Next year we will be home and we won't have to do this long distance.
Why haven't you taught Griff that real men wear pink?
Real men wear black Chal ;-)
So, where's the Sherlock Holmes' movie review?
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