This is definitely not your father's Sherlock Holmes movie and I liked it all the more because of it. Is the plot unique? No. Is the story particularly compelling? Not really. Do the actors turn in Oscar-caliber performances? No, but I don't care for Oscar-type movies anyway! Is the movie, REALLY COOL?!?!?! YES! Robert Downey Jr. is easily my favorite actor right now, he is just cool and his sarcastic, devil-may-care attitude with all his recent characters (in Ironman, Tropic Thunder, and now Sherlock Holmes anyway) is very entertaining. Is it the same character with different accents? Yes. Does he do the accents very well? Yes! matt Damon could take a lesson. Jude Law, who has never even been on my radar for good actors, since I'm pretty sure I've never seen a movie with him in it (???), is really good in this and plays off of RD Jr, perfectly as the more proper, staunch (yet, with a very adventuresome side) Watson. And Rachel McAdams is just hot, no matter her role and she does not disappoint in this movie either.
The action is good, I really like how Holmes goes through his thought process while fighting, and while deducing a situation, and I really like how he just throws himself into the fray and gets after it. Not a lot of sitting around mulling things over, just action and taking care of business.
The ending to the movie isn't particularly compelling, but there will be additional movies, which is cool, and Moriarity will be the antagonist, as it should be (for anyone familiar with the classic stories). So, I'm very much looking forward to that. For sheer entertainment value, which is about the sole reason I go to the movies, I give this a solid 4.5 - and it was really fun going with the fam on Christmas Day. Good times, good times!!!
Oh, Ironman II is coming this summer!!