The EPL is winding down, looks like ManU will take second, not too bad I guess but a bit of a let down after 3 straight championship years. RSL has started up and has looked OK. I think we expect more after a championship year, but really they had a crap season up til the end and pulled it out, sooooo, let's just hope for a better season and a similar ending. And finally Griff has started his soccer season! The other day in practice, the kids chose the name Red Devils all on their own, I was so stoked! (That's the ManU team name, for those that don't know). However, in the days since practice, it changed to The Rockets - lame. I'm guessing some uptight mom made them change the name, so no more Red Devils. At least their Uni's are still red.
Griff played Goalie and Defense last night to great success and the Rockets won 1-0. A teammate of Griff's should have had like 4 other goals, I've never seen someone so unlucky! He hit the post, scooted two just past the uprights and had the opposing goalie make a phenomenal stop on one (seriously, I even cheered for the stop, it was unreal for a 7-8 year old.)
Here are the pics, I can't wait to see the team pics, there is one other kid who might be as tall as Griff, but no one else is as big overall, he looks like he's 10 :-D

Thanks for the pics Ry, Griff does look good! How about some video clips? Love. Dad
Hi Dad,
I'll give it a shot, I got a video camera app for my iPhone and it works OK, we'll see what I can come up with this week.
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