Sunday, January 27, 2013

Crossfit Griff

Griff goes to Kids Crossfit at Ute Crossfit East Draper with Nick and Rebecca!

Here he's doing a WOD with 3 rounds max rep plate-holding front squats in 2 min and max rep lateral jumps in 2 min.

That'll get your heart rate up! :-)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Big Griff is 10!!!!

Happy Birthday Big Griff, I can't believe it's been 10 years!!!

 We made homemade pizzas - they were a big hit!

 Kimberly looking all home-maker-like.

 Some of the gang chatting while we wait for pizza to bake.

 All the kids (minus Kaja, she was sick) eating their pizza on the floor.

Griff Opening Presents.

Griff's Pokemon Cake. I'm hoping he's over this phase soon :-D

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Griff gets his Bear

Big Griff is a Bear and he got some arrowheads and some red beads (not sure what those are for, I remember nothing about Cub Scouting). Still, I'm very proud of him that he's working at this and progressing. Nice job Griff!!!!

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog