Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October weekend with Griff!

I am definitely happiest when Griffin is around. And this was a fun weekend!

Amy put together an awesome Halloween party for the kids and Griff had a total blast (even though he got in trouble for scaring little Blakers with his Yoda mask)!

Yoda Griff! He even had the voice down, it was so awesome, I was cracking up. He was saying "May the force be with you" and "The force is strong with this one" and "There is do or do not, there is no try." And he had the light saber working too! Perfect Griff costume.

This might be one of my favorite pics of all time. Yoda and Cinderella, and Cinderella is holding Yoda's arm. At first Q and W were a little freaked out by the Yoda mask, but once they knew it was Griff, they loved it.

Here's the whole Gang (L to R) Quincy, Maia (Dave's Cousin), Griffin, Ozkar (Dave's cousin), Jaxon, Kaja, Blake and Cowboy West in front. Good Looking group of kids!!!

You can see the Utes game we went to in the post below - and then Griff and I just had some nice father and son time. I need a lot more of it, but I certainly treasure the little bit I have.

A little church time - Griff definitely picked the right Sunday to come home, they had a full on picnic lunch in Primary with Turkey sandwiches, chips and candy bars. They had Capri Sun to drink and apparently, Griff is the only kid in America that doesn't like Capri Sun?!?!?

Had to do a goofy face pic.

Getting ready to get on the plane for Texas. He's an old pro at flying now, and he'll tell everyone within earshot. Awesome kid.

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Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog