Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hanging out on the Provo river!

Saturday we decided to head outside with Uncle Sean. We drove up Provo canyon with snacks at the ready to check out fly-fishing sites. We first went to Strawberry and it was still mostly frozen. It was very beautiful though - the snowmobiling up there looked SO fun. I'm totally going to do that one of these days.

So, we drove back down to Heber and looked around at the various areas Sean knew of and found one he'd never tried before. Well, I don't know what I was thinking but I was envisioning dry ground where Griff and I could hike around without any issues. Well, obviously that wasn't the case, there was still a lot of snow around but luckily the snow was pretty packed and we were able to hike around anyway, just not as easily as if it were dry.

We found a beaver dam - yes a real one, we didn't see the beavers, but a guy who had been up there fishing somewhere said he saw them - I wish we had, and so did Griff. Then we saw a family of Otters and even a Muskrat. There were also Hawks, Geese and Ducks out there. Quite the Wild America out there.

We had a pretty good time, the weather was amazing and I even got sunburned! I'm just happy Griff like being outside and doesn't JUST want to play Wii ;-)


I'm not mad, it was just bright out there!

Griff is showing some skill as a photographer!

Man, he is getting big!!!

Those jeans are new since school started - already floods. Anyone have a boy that needs size 7 jeans? :-D

He's wishing he could wade into the river, he wanted to get to the other side SO bad!

It was such a nice day!

Another decent pic from Griff.

The river??? don't know what I was shooting here...

I was hoping to capture a cool tree shot here, not as good as planned, I really needed my good camera.

Griff trying to find a way to get over to the Beaver dam

If you look closely you can see Sean in the river middle top of the picture. He caught 3 fish, 2 that we saw, pretty cool!

The view from where we sat enjoying the day for a while.

1 comment:

Dave and Amy said...

Those are really good pictures of both you and Griff. It looked like a beautiful day, glad you guys could get out and have some fun.

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog