Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday work-day!

First thing this morning, Paul and I went over to Jim and Jill's to help stain the deck. That went pretty fast since Jim had already done the larger flat parts. Paul and I just did the rails and the smaller flat sections.
Then we went over to Paul's and hauled gravel to cover the areas in the backyard which will be covered by the deck and other strategic locations that don't have grass.

Nothing better than getting out and doing some hard manual labor for a while. Since I live in a lovely Townhouse with an HOA, outside projects are hard to come by, so I use Paul's yard. Can't wait to help build the deck!!!


Andrea said...

You are always so good to come help. Paul and I were commenting on how fast it went with your help!

stacy h. said...

you guys did a lot today! i probably could have used the help at our house! i call next saturday ;)

Ryan Hadlock said...

I have Griff, but I'm always happy to help around the house since I don't have any projects around my own house really. Let me know!


Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog