Sean, Paul, and I have our season tickets again. We'll miss Reece cuz his smart-alec comments are super funny but he's off pursuing his dreams (I guess??? :-D ) Anyway, looking forward to the season, here's to a better year than last and to REAL making the playoffs!
We're actually pretty happy there is no relegation arrangement in the MLS or REAL might be in the Sunday Mexican league at Orem Junior High by now. They've made some moves that could help - so we'll see. The boys think coaching is the problem, I guess we'll see this season!
Oh man they better win, I can't believe they let that goal go in the 92'. Oh that makes me so mad and worse it was Blanco that guy is the worst. Oh I hate him.
Agreed on all Points. Paul Jinxed the team by saying they'd never won their season opener about 10 minutes before the tying goal. Oh the shame... :-D
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