Friday, February 27, 2009

Griff and Buddy II

Everytime we go hang out with Payce and Gwen, Griff just LOVES playing with Buddy and vice versa. It makes me wish I could get Griff a dog because I love how happy it makes him, but then of course I'd be taking care of it all the time...maybe someday :-) The weather was nice enough to play outside for a little while and Buddy LOVES the outdoors as much as Griff, he runs and runs and runs non-stop - chases anyone who comes up the street, and he will chase them ALL the way home - Payce had to go get him a couple of times, and Buddy is FAST! He also loves to play hide and seek - he has discovered several locations in the bushes where he can run and hide and he does it a lot, it is really funny and Griff loved playing the game with him.

Here's a little video, so you can get a feel:

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY PAYCE! Thanks for hanging out with us so much lately!!! B-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Seven Pounds

We went and saw the movie "Seven Pounds" at the dollar movies in Sandy. It stars Will Smith and Rosario Dawson. I like both of them for the most part, so I didn't mind seeing this movie even though I knew almost nothing about it.

However, before I begin, I have to say something about movie theatres. I'll admit, and I'm sure most of you will agree with me, that I (we) have been spoiled by the stadium seating of modern movie theatres - clear view of the screen, reclining seats in a lot of cases, plenty of leg room, etc. The dollar movies in Sandy are the old style theatres with just a slight decline in the seats toward the screen. While the theatre was at least clean, sitting in regular seats for a movie just doesn't work for me anymore. 1) you're too close to all the people around you. Where in a stadium seating arrangement people are above and below you, in the old style it feel like they're all on top of you - and when they're smokers, it's just gross. Oh, and when 1/3 of the theatre has a cough, it's even worse. Good thing I'm not claustrophobic! :-D 2) it feels like you have to look up the whole time, even when you're in the back of the theatre, that MAY have been because this was the smallest theatre I've ever been in, I swear it was smaller than the Towne Cinema in PG. 3) there is no legroom, it's worse than being on an airplane (pre-space-expansion). So, while many people wonder how we ever got along without cellphones and the internet, I wonder how we ever sat through 2 hour movies in these cramped little theatres? I mean, I'm OK with going there, because it's only $1.50, but if given the choice I'll take stadium seating all day. Thank heaven for innovation! (and if you're going to the movies, do us all a favor and open the windows to your car as you smoke so it doesn't linger on your clothes so badly that I can feel cancer growing on my own throat just from sitting behind you! Thanks!)

Back to the movie. It was good. And I'll tell you why. I think it was as unique a movie as I've seen in a while. 1) I love it when there is no happy ending, at least not completely happy. That's not because I'm a pessimist, you probably know I'm not, but it's because sometimes life doesn't end happily and I like to see it sometimes in the movies. 2) I like it when a movie is a little twisted. I don't like sick-out movies like Saw or garbage like that, but when the plot twist is a little messed up, it seems a bit more real I think. 3) I like it when you get done with a movie and you can't help but shake your head and say, "I can't believe that".

Seven Pounds has all that. It is a BIT slow in places, it's a drama after all and they use the length for dramatic effect I think. And me being SO impatient, I had to fill in some spots with thoughts of the Jazz, Manchester United, the Utes, the girl next to me, etc. ;-) ANYWAY, Will Smith is pretty good in this and I think Rosario Dawson is excellent - very believable! Will Smith does his "I'm thinking difficult thoughts" face a bit too much (same as in Hancock) but it's probably appropriate. It just looks like he's having a stroke or something??? Anyway, it's well worth the $1.50 and definitely worth a Red Box rental when it comes out (recommended since you can keep smokers out of your house if you so desire)! I'll give this a solid 4 out of 5 rating! Enjoy, and when you see it tell me it's not just a bit twisted ;-)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Griff Jumping!

Here are some video of Griff jumping at "Jump on it". I had a good video of Payce doing backflips but for some reason it disappeared when I tried to move it from my phone to the memory card??? Anyway, Payce can do good backflips on the trampoline for those who might be interested in that little tid-bit.

Griff jumping and falling - I was ready to rush him to the Emergency room, but he was fine :-D

This is Griff doing "frontflips" he had to show off after seeing Payce's backflips. Griff is such a funny kid.

We had a great time playing at Jump on it, then went and had Taco Amigo with Sean and Quincy then went and played with Buddy and Gwen for a while. All in all a pretty fun night! I wouldn't trade these times for anything, but I sure wish I could be with Griff more...someday! :-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More pics of Griff

I found these on the memory card in my camera - they're from last summer (why they're still on my camera I'm not sure :-D) but they're good of Griff - as usual:

Griff at the Map of Park City

On the path to the Alpine Slide

On the Lift - I think he liked this as much as the rides!

Hanging out in Park City

Looking good!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Paul Blart - Mall Cop

Well, Payce, Gwen and I went to see "Paul Blart - Mall Cop." I'd been told it was really dumb, but I'm a fan of Kevin James and Payce wanted to see it and Gwen...well Gwen came along because Payce was there but she didn't want to see this show :-D

The movie was...too long. I think the concept is pretty funny, Kevin James was funny for about 30 minutes worth of film - not 90. It would have been a funny SNL skit or something. So, that's about all I'm going to say about this flick. I hadn't done a movie review in a while, so I threw this together real quick. I'd give it a 2 out of 5 and recommend using "DVDONME" to get this rental for free from Red Box (yep the code works once per credit or debit card at Red Box.) I'm not sure $1.08 is even worth it...

Harley Davidson

Payce and I went down to check out Harley's at the HUGE dealership in Orem. It was pretty fun, and I'd love to get one. So, we went home and I took Payce's out a couple of times. It was freakin GREAT! It is so dang fast. It's too small for me, as you can see in these pictures but it was soooooo much fun.

If I didn't have so many other things on my list of things to do - getting a Harley would be on the list! :-D

Night out with Payce!

Payce hung out with Griff and me the other night, we had a pretty good time. Here's some video:

Buddy flips out when Griff and I come over to Payce and Gwen's. This video is after he's calmed down a LOT. I had some better video but accidentally erased it. So, this is what you get this week.

Griff, Payce, and I went to Elite for a Ping Pong tournament and we ended up playing Foosball. Here's Griff against Payce...

We were going to go to Jump On It the next day, but we got jipped out of our time, so we'll go next time.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Church Pics

These are from last week, but they're pretty good of Griff.

Man, I don't remember the last time I was this pale - April 2007? :-D

The pants are long, the shirt is long, the shoes have room to grow - these should last but the kid is growing so fast I may have to eBay these clothes sooner than expected! :-D

Missing a tooth and a real tie, this kid is growing up WAY too fast.

Out in front of the Chapel, the weather was garbage (as it is today as well) but Griff was looking good! He almost needs a blazer to go with his church clothes doesn't he?

Griff and Co.

So, I've gotten a bit lazy with the Blog. I've had a lot of other stuff on my mind as many of you are well aware. But, there is not much I'd rather do than be with Griff so I do have some video to post from the Super Bowl party at Paul and Andrea's.

This is Griff stuck behind the giant beanbag. It was kind of funny once, but then he kept doing it, so I left him there :-D (not really, he figured out how to get out on his own.)

This is Jaxon saying "Microphone" it comes out something else that was really funny...

Quincy and Jaxon being cute:

Quincy and Kaja:

Some of my favorite Griff pics - pre-blog